We’re all about glass

About Glass Packaging Forum

Recover it, Recycle it,
Keep it out of landfill

Our purpose is to connect businesses that sell glass-packaged consumer goods with those that collect and recycle glass. This enables glass to be returned to the furnace or made into alternative products, with the aim of zero container glass to landfill.

Established in 2006, Glass Packaging Forum (GPF) also promotes the environmental benefits of glass packaging and manages the accredited GPF Product Stewardship Scheme. There are more than 100 member brands which pay levies to the Forum related to the volume of glass they put into the New Zealand market place.

Partners For Change

Glass recovery is influenced by a large number of factors, most outside of the GPF’s control.

The Forum therefore works hard to build strong relationships with local and central government, waste management companies, recyclers and other community groups to promote and facilitate best practice for the recovery of glass.

Stewarding our future

GPF provides financial assistance, in the form of grants, to provide infrastructure to improve glass recovery, facilitate glass recycling and fund research into alternative uses for glass.

The GPF represents its members’ interests within industry and government and seeks to continuously improve the performance, relevance and awareness of product stewardship for glass.

The GPF recognises the significance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and the part the GPF Product Stewardship Scheme plays in allowing New Zealand consumers and businesses to meet this goal.

Steering Committee

Chris Grant

Committee Chair
5R Solutions

Sara Tucker


Nick Keene

Hospitality NZ

Penny Garland

Visy Recycling

Debra Goulding

Foodstuffs NZ

Alex Kahl

Pernod Ricard

Nicola Voice




Rob Langford

027 570 8399
Email Rob
CEO – The Packaging Forum

GPF Scheme Managers

3R Group Ltd were appointed scheme manager for the Glass Packaging Forum in April 2017. They are specialists in resource recovery and product stewardship and will be working closely with GPF stakeholders to increase the quality and volume of glass available for recycling and other uses.

Contact 3R Group: info@glassforum.org.nz | 0800 267 674 | Primary contacts listed below

Dominic Salmon

Dominic Salmon

021 563 060
Email Dom
Scheme Manager

Kiri Speirs 200x200 B&W

Kiri Speirs

021 298 4806
Email Kiri
Marketing and Communications

Become a Member

Glass has a great story to tell.
It’s both 100% recyclable and infinitely recyclable,
right here in NZ. Plus, it’s a great example of
the circular economy in action. Play your part
in a truly sustainable packaging story.